Welcome to The Percy Bysshe Shelley Resource Page! This site is designed to serve as a virtual nexus for both electronic and selected print resources devoted to the English Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822).
To accommodate both print and electronic resources, the site is divided into two main sections: Electronic Texts and Bibliography. The Electronic Texts section includes links to Shelley's work currently available on the web, including editions of poetry, prose, and letters; and critical hypertext editions of specific poems. I have tried to incorporate only those texts and sites that clearly state the original source material to insure the reliability of the resource. The Bibliography section consists of listings of print resources such as editions of Shelley's works; books devoted to criticism, interpretation, and contexts; biographies of Shelley; and a select listing of over 600 scholarly journal articles dating from 1980 to the present. The section also includes links to on-line bibliographical resources. The selections in the Bibliography section were obtained primarily through keyword searches of on-line databases such as the MLA Bibliography, The Chadwyck-Healy Literature Online Database (LION), The University of Maryland Libraries, and the Library of Congress database. Although I have attempted to include as much information as possible, doubtless there are omissions, so these listings do not constitute a fully comprehensive database.
The worldwide web affords the opportunity to combine resources more efficiently and conveniently than ever before and to interact with others who share similar interests. Because of its ambitious aspirations, The Percy Bysshe Shelley Resource Page will always be a site "under construction" and will strive to incorporate as much information as possible, in as timely a fashion as possible. If you have comments or suggestions concerning the site, please email me at the following address: djb@wam.umd.edu. |