

Department of American Studies
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742-7711
fax 301-314-9453

9308 Cherry Hill Road, Apt. 407
College Park, MD 20740

Ph.D., American Studies/English, Michigan State University, 1969
M.A., English, Michigan State University, 1967
B.A., English, University of South Carolina, 1966 

Phi Kappa Phi, 1975
Phi Beta Kappa, 1967
Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1966-1967 

Associate Professor, University of Maryland, 1974--
Visiting Professor, University of Paris III (Sorbonne), 1975-1976
Assistant Professor, University of Maryland, 1969-1974 

Director, The Art Gliner Center for Humor Studies, 1999--
Editor, Humor: International Journal of Humor Research, 1999-- 

American Studies Association
American Humor Studies Association
Popular Culture Association
American Culture Association
International Society for Humor Studies 


Humor in America: A Research Guide to Genres and Topics. Westport, 
CT: Greenwood, 1988. (edited). 

Newsletters and Conference Abstracts:
American Humor: An Interdisciplinary Newsletter, edited, 1974-1984  (with
M. Thomas Inge, 1974-1980).
Newsletter, Humor: International Journal of Humor Research, edited,
Berlin: Mouton deGruyter, 1986-1989.
Abstracts from the Third International Conference on Humor (1982),
edited, Washington, DC: Conference Committee, 1984. 

Articles and Chapters in Books:
"Langston Hughes' Jesse B. Semple: The Urban Negro as Wise Fool,"
Satire Newsletter, (Fall, 1969), 11-21. Reprinted, Harbrace College 
Reader, 4th ed, NY: 1972, pp.186-201. 
"The Browning of Buchwald," Prospects, I (Jan. 1976) 156-165. 
"American Humour and the Spirit of the Times," in Antony Chapman 
and Hugh Foot, eds., Its a Funny Thing, Humour, London: Pergamon, 
1977, pp. 17-21. 
"Ethnic Humour: Discussion," in Chapman and Foot, eds. It's a Funny
Thing, Humour, pp.287-289. 
"Fantasy, Formula, Realism, and Propaganda in Milton Caniff's Comic
Strips," Journal of Popular Culture, XII:4 (Spring, 1979), 653-680. 
"American Humor in the 1920's," Thalia: Studies in Literary Humor,
IV:1 (Spring/Summer, 1981), 26-32. Reprinted in L. Broer, ed.  Dancing
Fools and Weary Blues, Bowling Green: Popular Press, 1989. 
"Recent Trends in the Study of Popular Culture: Since 1971," in 
Jefferson B. Kellogg and Robert H. Walker, eds., Sources for American
Studies, Westport, CT: Greenwood, 1983, pp.489-507. Reprinted,
American Studies International, XXI:5 (October, 1983), 88-103. 
"Notes Toward a Methodology of Popular Culture Study," Studies in
Popular Culture, 6 (1983), 25-34. 
"Humor and Popular Culture," in Jeffrey Goldstein and Paul McGhee,
eds., Handbook of Humor Research, NY: Springer, 1983, 129-142. 
"Popular Culture: Audio-Visual Resources," in Howard
Hitchens, ed., American Studies: A Catalogue of Audio-Visual
Resources, Washington, DC., USIA, 1983. 
"The Standup Comedian as Social and Cultural Mediator," American
Quarterly, 37:1 (Spring, 1985), 71-80. Reprinted, Arthur P. Dudden,
ed., American Humor, NY: Oxford, 1987, pp.85-96. 
"Ideology in the American Situation Comedy," Studies in Popular 
Culture, VIII:2 (1985), 42-51. 
"The Rabbi Versus the Priest and other Jewish Stories," in Avner Ziv,
ed., Jewish Humor, Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, 1986, pp.125-134,
English edition, pp.106-99, Hebrew edition. 
"Situation Comedy," in Brian Rose, ed. TV Genres, Westport,
CT:  Greenwood, 1985, pp. 105-129. 
"Broadcast Humor," in Lawrence E. Mintz, ed., Humor in America,  Westport,
CT: Greenwood, 1988, pp. 90-108. 
"I Hear America Laughing," Standpoints, (Paris, France) 2:4 (October,
1989), 16-21. (Periodical for English teachers in France) 
"Devil and Angel: Philip Roth's Humor," Studies in American Jewish
Literature, 8:2 (Fall, 1989), 154-167. 
"Ethos and Pathos in Chaplin's City Lights," in Adolphe Nysenholc, ed.,
Charles Chaplin: Approaches to Semiotics, Berlin: Mouton deGryter, 
"Fools --Be Funny! : Stand-up Comedians Are Society's Designated  Comic
Hitters," The World & I, 7:6, (June 1992), 661-670. 
"American Humor Looks at Family Values." in Peter Freese and  Michael
Porsche, eds. Popular Culture in the United States, Essen,  Germany, Die
Blaue Eule Verlag, 1994. 
"Humor and Ethnic Stereotypes in Vaudeville and Burlesque," MELUS,  21:4
(Winter, 1996), 20-28. 
"In a Sense Abroad: The Image of Europe in Busch Gardens' The Old  Country
and Walt Disney World's World Showcase," Journal of Popular  Culture, 32:3
(Winter, 1998), 47-58.  
"Unity and Diversity in American Humor," Humor: International Journal  of
Humor Research, 12:3 (1999), 237-252. 

Book Reviews (selected):
WHIMSY: Humor and Laughter. Journal of American Folklore, 99
(July-Sept., 1986).
Warren Debenham, Laughter on Record. Humor 2:4 (1989).
Alan Dundes, Cracking Jokes. Journal of American Folklore, 102:404
(April-June 1989).
Christie Davies, Ethnic Humor Around the World, Journal of Popular
Culture, 26:1, (Summer 1992), 168-171. 
Three Books on Situation Comedy (by David Marc, Darrell Y.  Hamamoto, Ella
Taylor). Journal of Popular Culture, 1990.
Moshe Waldoks and William Novak, The Big Book of American Humor,
in Journal of American Culture, 14:3 (Fall 1991), 107-8.
Leslie Fiedler, Fiedler on the Roof, American Jewish History, 1993.
Elliott Oring, Jokes and Their Relations, Western Folklore, 54:2 (April
1995), 165-166.
Arthur Asa Berger, L'il Abner, Humor, 9:1 (1996), 93-106.
Wes D. Gehring, American Dark Comedy, J. of Popular Film and  Television,
25:2 (Summer 1997), 91-92.
George Plimpton et al, eds., "Whither Mirth?" A Special Issue on Humor,
The Paris Review, 136: Fall 1995, in Humor, 11:1 (1998), 93-95.
Caren Kaplan, Questions of Travel: Postmodern Discourses of  Displacement,
Journal of American Culture,(Spring, 1998), 97.
Joseph Boskin, The Humor Prism in 20th Century America. Humor
: International Journal of Humor Research, 11:4 (1998), 431-434.
Review of three books on American humor, by Joseph Boskin, Daniel
Wickburg, David E. E. Sloane, American Studies, 40:3, Fall1999. 169-171. 

Work In Progress:
A collection of articles and conference papers for Mouton de Gruyter
Humor in the American Grain, an anthology of American humor with
commentary, co-authored and edited with Sanford Pinsker, completed 
Chapter in book on travel and tourism edited by Carol Williams
"Humor in American Literature," completed and accepted for American
Studies Encyclopedia, edited by Miles Orvell, Jay Mechling and others,
Chapter on Southern stand up comedy for book on southern humor edited by
Ed Piacentino
Conference paper for PCA conference in Cambridge, England, June, 2001, on
Stephen Wade's comic storytelling 

"American Humor: Alive and Well in the Popular Culture,"
Popular Culture Association, April, 1971. 
"Comics as History," Popular Culture Association, April, 1973. 
"The Topography of Steve Canyon," Popular Culture Association, May
1974. (invited) 
"Twentieth Century American Humour and the Spirit of the Times,"
First International Humor Conference, Cardiff, Wales, June, 1976.
(invited keynote). 
Discussant,Ethnic Humor Panel, First International Humor
Conference, Cardiff, Wales, June 1976. 
"Country Music as Social Criticism," French American Studies  Association,
, April 1976. (invited). Presented in similar form, 
Mid-Atlantic Popular Culture Association, February 1977. 
"Jewish Humor: A Continuum of Motives and Functions," Modern 
Language Association, December, 1976. 
"A Continuum Description of the Motives and Functions of Racial,
Sexist, and Ethnic Humor," Second International Humor Conference, 
August, 1979. Presented in similar form as invited lecture to the
Anthropology Department faculty, Duke University, 1985. 
"Rabbi-Priest Jokes," First International Conference on Jewish  Humor, Tel
Aviv, Israel June 1984. 
"Some Common Misconceptions in Humor Theory" (co-author, Jane
R.  Littmann), Fourth International Humor Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel, 
June 1984. 
"Ideology in the American Situation Comedy," Fifth International
Humor Conference, Cork, Ireland, June 1985. 
"Humor Research in the 1980's" (invited keynote), WHIM Humor  Conference,
April 1985. 
"The Social Sciences and Techniques for Studying American Literary
Humor," Sixth International Humor Conference, April, 1987. 
"In a Sense Abroad: Images of the 'Old Country' in American Theme
Amusement Parks" Popular Culture Association, March 1988. 
"Peanuts: The Comic Strip as Icon," University of Minnesota Art 
Museum, January 1988. (invited lecture). Presented in similar form, as
keynote lecture, WHIM Humor Conference, April, 1988. 
"Ethos and Pathos in Chaplin's City Lights," The Charles Chaplin
Centennial Celebration, Paris, April 1989. 
"Using Popular Culture for Teaching American Studies Abroad,"
Popular Culture Association of the South, October, 1989. 
"Popular Culture and the International American Studies
Curriculum,"  Popular Culture Association, March, 1990. 
"W(h)ither Humor: The End of Laughter in the Nasty Nineties," Southern 
Popular Culture Association," October 1991. 
"American Humor and Teaching Popular Culture in the American  Studies
Curriculum," American Studies Association, November, 1991. 
"Sex, Ethnicity and Character Types in Burlesque Humor," conference  on
Burlesque, UCLA, March 1993. 
"Blondes, JAPS and Dumb Men," Popular Culture Association, April  1993. 
"Humor and Ethnic Stereotypes in Vaudeville and Burlesque," American
Studies Association, November 1993. 
"Much Madness is Divinest Sense: The Comedy of Robin
Williams,"  International Society for Humor Studies Conference, June 1994. 
"The Renaissance of American Humor," South Atlantic Modern  Language
Association Conference, November 1994 (invited paper). 
""Recent Humorous American Comic Strips," International Conference  on
Popular Culture, Birmingham, England, July 1995. 
"Mark Twain and Charlie Chaplin: Two Geniuses of American
Humor,"  International Society for Humor Studies Conference, July 1995. 
"American Humor as Unifying and Divisive," Biannual Maple Leaf and  Eagle
Conference on American Studies, Helsinki, Finland, May 1996  (invited
keynote lecture). Presented in a similar version at the Popular Culture
Association Conference, April, 1997. 
"Performance Comedy: Outline and Definitions," Popular Culture
Association of the South, Columbia, SC, October, 1997. 
"Contemporary American Performance Comedy," Popular Culture  Association,
Orlando, FL, April 1998. 
"Trivialization and Insight in the Clinton Scandal Jokes," International
Society for Humor Studies, Oakland. CA, June, 1999. 
"Saul Steinberg's Graphic Humor," International Society for Humor Studies,
Osaka, Japan, July, 2000)  
"Gamble Rogers' Humor," Popular Culture Association of the
South," October, 2000 


Advisory editor, Journal of Popular Culture 
Editorial Board, "Studies in Humor and Gender"-- book series edited by
Nancy Walker and Regina Barreca, Gordon and Breach Science  Publishers
Editorial Board, Series on Popular Culture, University of Mississippi 
Manuscript reader for various scholarly presses such as University of
Minnesota Press, University of Mississippi Press, SUNY Press, Rutgers
University Press, Unwin Hyman, Ltd. 
Regional President, Popular Culture Association, c. mid-1970's. 
Area Chair, Popular Culture Association. Forums 1977, 1978,  Humor,
Secretary Treasurer, American Humor Studies Association, 1981-
Program Chairman, Third International Conference on Humor, 
Washington, DC, August 1982.  
Organizer and moderator, eight part series on Jewish humor
in broadcasting, The Jewish Museum (New York), July-August,
Jacob Gorn Visiting Scholar, Temple B'nai Israel, Clearwater, FL,
1986 (Jewish Humor). 
Discussant, panel on women's humor, American Studies Association,
November 1987. 
Co-Chair, workshop on race, sex, and ethnicity in American humor,
American Studies Association, October, 1988. 
Founding member, International Society for Humor Studies, executive
board, 1988-1990. 
Panelist, Humor and the Ford Presidency. Conference on the Presidency of
Gerald Ford, Hofstra University, 1989. 
Outside Evaluator, American Studies Department, Rutgers University,
Executive Board, Workshop Library on World Humor, 1992--1994. 
Consultant, Library of Congress planned exhibition on American Humor,
Session Chair, Discussant, and Panel participant for ASA, PCA and other
conferences on scholarly and professional subjects including journal
editing, curriculum development, and assessment of the state of the
Panel participant, Truth and Comedy program, The University of Richmond,
November, 2000 
Occasional Professional Writing, ASA Newsletter, PCA Newsletter, and
Interviewed by such publications as Forbes, Time, Newsweek, The Baltimore
Sun, The Washington Post, The Journal Papers, The Washington Times, The
Detroit News and Free Press, The New York Times, The New York Times
Magazine, The Guardian, Prevention, and others. 
Radio and Television interviews such as NBC Sports World (on professional
wrestling), Panorama (American humor), the BBC  (humor), interviewed on
Worldnet (live satellite TV show), Hamburg, Germany, 1990, and others. 
Guest Lecturer, Northern Virginia Community College, Salisbury State
University, Northern Virginia Community College, George Mason  University,
Hofstra University, Long Island University, Maryland Art  Institute,
University of Minnesota, Kent State University, Boston  University, Purdue
University, Northwestern University, and others. 
Judge, Webby Awards, 2000. (International Academy of Digital Arts and
Sciences, elected member, 2000)  

Lecturer on ethnicity in America, USIS, France 1975-1976. Lecture 
text published, Regional Center, Grenoble. 
Curriculum consultant and lecturer on teaching American Studies
abroad, Portugal (1985, 1986), Czechoslovakia (1986), Hungary,  (1988,
1989), Yugoslavia (1989).  
Lecturer for numerous groups of foreign visitors for USIA, State
Department, Washington International Center, Maryland English Institute,
Institute for International Education, The Center for International
Exchange, and Delphi International, since 1970.  
Author and Editor, "Communications," American Portfolio Series,  proposed
USIA collection of materials for teaching American Studies  abroad. 
Selected for Fulbright senior scholars advisory panel, 2001. 

Popular Culture in America (undergraduate and graduate),
Humor in America (undergraduate and graduate), Critics of American
Culture, American Culture in the 1920's, Television and American Culture,
Literature in American Society, Photography and American Culture
(graduate), Introduction to American Studies (graduate),  Television
Situation Comedy, Comic strips, Comic books and Cartoons as Popular

American humor, Popular culture, American literature, American
cultural history since World War II 

Robert Barshay, 1975 
Karen Stoddard, 1980 
Zita Dresner, 1982 
Neil Alperstein, 1986
Harold K. Resnick, 1991
Elsie Williams, 1992
Peter Adams, 1995
David Zurawik, 2000 

SERVICE (selected):

Chairman, Undergraduate Committee, c. 1978-1988
Graduate Admissions Committee
Curriculum Revision Committee
Member, numerous MA and Ph.D. committees
Chairman and Faculty Search Committees
Departmental Equity Officer
Coordinator of Summer School Program
Salary Committee 

Divisional Council, 1978-1979
College Council 1987-1989, 1994-1996, 1998-1999
Divisional PCC Committee
Committee for Improving Teaching and Advising
Chair, sub-committee on Evaluation of Teaching
Committee to write College EEO Guidelines
College Research Grant Committee 
Comparative Literature Program Advisory Faculty, Affiliate Faculty
Joint Committee on Campus Planning, APAC, 1994-1995 

Campus Senate (two terms)
Senate PCC
Chairman, Member, UMCP Faculty Coalition
Jewish Studies Committee (Undergraduate Dean)
Graduate School Representative and/or committee member for theses  and
dissertations in English, History, RTVF, Journalism, Textiles and  Applied
Design, PCOM
Ford Foundation Workshop on Literacy in the Profession, 1988
Lecturer, Maryland English Institute
International Affairs Committees
Committee to bring the National Public Radio Archives to UMCP.
Guest lecturer, Campus Hillel organization
Playbill notes and Discussion Leader, campus production of "Little 
Shop of Horrors," 1989
Search Committee, Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Studies, 1990
Panel Chair, Diversity Week Program, 1992 (racial, gender humor on
Lecturer, Conference on Academic Knowledge and Political Power, 1992
Occasional Writing, The Faculty Voice.
Senate Academic Affairs Committee, 1993
Summer Programs Advisory Committee
Athletic Council, 1999--
Senate Educational Affairs Committee, 1999-- 

Appointed Commissioner, Montgomery County Commission on the  Humanities,
Frequent lectures for area civic groups, local schools